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bad debt provision中文是什么意思

用"bad debt provision"造句"bad debt provision"怎么读"bad debt provision" in a sentence


  • 坏帐预备
  • 坏帐准备


  • Additional bad debts provision for prior year
  • Bad debt provision
  • Furthermore , there was significant write - back of bad debt provisions made earlier
  • Improved profitability was primarily attributable to the sharp reduction in bad debt provisions , solid income from treasury operations , and increased level of fees and commissions
  • The results of the golf club segment were adversely affected as a bad debt provision of approximately hk 9 . 5 million was made against the amount due from an overseas customer currently undergoing debt restructuring
  • The results of the golf club segment were adversely affected as a bad debt provision of approximately hk $ 9 . 5 million was made against the amount due from an overseas customer currently undergoing debt restructuring
  • Article 25 enterprises engaged in such businesses as credit and leasing operations may , on the basis of actual requirements and following approval by the local tax authorities of a report thereon , provide year - by - year bad debt provisions , the amount of which shall not exceed 3 % of the amount of the year - end loan balances ( not including inter - bank loans ) or the amount of accounts receivable , bills receivable and other such receivables , to be deducted from taxable income of that year
    第二十五条从事信贷、租赁等业务的企业,可以根据实际需要,报经当地税务机关批准,逐年按年末放款余额(不包括银行间拆借) ,或者年末应收账款、应收票据等应收款项的余额,计提不超过百分之三的坏账准备,从该年度应纳税所得额中扣除。
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